In TMSi — an Artinis company blog, you will find the latest trends in EEG and HD-EMG, related studies and applications, insights from the leaders of EEG/HD-EMG, not to mention detailed tips and tricks for your research!

Multimodal Measurement: Integration of EEG & fNIRS
EEG, Multimodality Artinis Medical Systems EEG, Multimodality Artinis Medical Systems

Multimodal Measurement: Integration of EEG & fNIRS

The integration of EEG and fNIRS combines the strengths of both techniques, capturing electrical activity and hemodynamic responses for a deeper understanding of brain function. This multimodal approach enhances research in areas like brain-computer interfaces, hyperscanning, and clinical studies, offering high temporal and spatial resolution in a non-invasive, portable setup.

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Removing Artifacts From EEG Data Using Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
APEX, EEG, General, SAGA Artinis Medical Systems APEX, EEG, General, SAGA Artinis Medical Systems

Removing Artifacts From EEG Data Using Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Eye movements and blinks cause significant EEG artifacts, with blink artifacts being much larger in amplitude than EEG signals. Preventing eye movement artifacts is challenging, as restricting blinking or gaze can increase cognitive load. Post-processing methods like Independent Component Analysis (ICA) effectively remove these artifacts while preserving the data.

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