In TMSi — an Artinis company blog, you will find the latest trends in EEG and HD-EMG, related studies and applications, insights from the leaders of EEG/HD-EMG, not to mention detailed tips and tricks for your research!

Valentina Barone: Predicting Outcomes in Neurological Disorders
EEG, SAGA Artinis Medical Systems EEG, SAGA Artinis Medical Systems

Valentina Barone: Predicting Outcomes in Neurological Disorders

In this user story, we would like to highlight a talented researcher: Valentina Barone. Three years ago, she started her PhD at the University of Twente in clinical neurophysiology, in collaboration with TMSi. She uses TMSi’s SAGA amplifier to record EEG signals to make a prediction of outcomes in neurological disorders. Therefore, we are happy to share her interesting research.

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User Insight: Implementing Transcutaneous dEMG in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
EMG Artinis Medical Systems EMG Artinis Medical Systems

User Insight: Implementing Transcutaneous dEMG in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

An infant in an incubator within the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a space of both fragility and risk. These vulnerable babies are faced with challenges that could profoundly shape their futures or may lead to fatality. With their entire lives ahead of them, these infants deserve the utmost in care. Research is thus very important.

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