In TMSi — an Artinis company blog, you will find the latest trends in EEG and HD-EMG, related studies and applications, insights from the leaders of EEG/HD-EMG, not to mention detailed tips and tricks for your research!

What is HD-EMG?
EMG, SAGA, SPIRE Artinis Medical Systems EMG, SAGA, SPIRE Artinis Medical Systems

What is HD-EMG?

Discover insights into the benefits of high-density electromyography (HD-EMG), its distinctions from bipolar EMG, and the methodologies employed for measurement.

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Tips for getting good EMG signals
EMG Artinis Medical Systems EMG Artinis Medical Systems

Tips for getting good EMG signals

EMG allows you to record electrical activity produced by muscles. Several factors can influence the signal quality while recording EMG signals. The quality of an EMG measurement largely depends on skin preparation, electrode positioning, and the quality of the EMG equipment.

This blog explains why these factors are important and how you can obtain good-quality surface EMG signals.

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