High-Quality and User-Friendly

EEG Headcaps

We offer versatile EEG accessories, including gold-standard gel headcaps, innovative and convenient water headcaps, discreet around-the-ear cEEGrids, and multimodal options for fNIRS and TES.

Our accessories are available in a wide range of sizes and come equipped with Ag/AgCl electrodes, to ensure superior signal quality, and active shielded cables, to minimize noise and interference.

On this page, you will find our EEG Headcaps & Accessories selections. Explore our options below!

EEG Headcaps

Infinity Gel Headcap

A good fit and comfortable gel headcap, which has the best quality signals and low impedances. This is the headcap to choose for the least movement artifacts. The cap is available with 24, 32, 64 or 128 channels in sizes S, M, and L.


  • The gold standard in EEG research

  • 24, 32, 64, or 128 channels

  • Made with Ag/AgCl

Infinity Water Headcap

For a quick and easy measuring solution, our headcap with 24 or 32 water-based electrodes is a good fit with a short preparation time. With a modular setup, it has one multi-cable for multiple cap sizes (S, M, and L).


  • "Semi-dry" electrodes

  • 24 or 32 channels

  • Use water sponges with saline water to increase the conduction between skin surfaces and the electrode

  • Faster preparation time and clean-up than gel electrodes

EEG Accessories


Our cEEGrids are an alternative EEG measurement. A convenient 10-channel around-the-ear system that is virtually invisible and ideal for sleep studies.


  • Ag/AgCl electrodes

  • Requires Electrode Gel

  • Placed around the ear

  • Can be used in populations where an unobtrusive EEG solution is desired

Ring Electrodes

This easy-to-clean ring electrode headcap has a modular setup of one multi-cable, which can be fitted into multiple caps. With low impedances and many layouts available in sizes S, M, and L, this headcap is compatible with fNIRS and TMS.


  • Gel electrodes

  • Easier to clean than traditional gel

  • Can be fitted into head caps that allow the combination of fNIRS or TMS research with EEG recording.

  • Various head cap sizes

Multimodal EEG & fNIRS

By combining EEG’s temporal resolution with fNIRS’s spatial resolution, researchers can get a more comprehensive understanding of brain activity. 

Combining EEG (Electroencephalography) and fNIRS (functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) offers a robust method for studying brain activity with both high temporal and spatial resolution.

EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain at the scalp, providing detailed information about the timing of brain responses with excellent temporal resolution. However, it has limitations in precisely localizing brain activity to specific regions. On the other hand, fNIRS uses near-infrared light to measure changes in blood oxygenation and blood volume in the cortex, offering better spatial localization compared to EEG. It can pinpoint activated brain areas with higher precision, typically within 1-2 cm of the surface.

By combining EEG’s temporal resolution with fNIRS’s spatial resolution, researchers can get a more comprehensive understanding of brain activity. They can observe both the timing and location of brain responses to stimuli or tasks more accurately. This integrated approach is particularly useful in brain-computer interfacing, hyperscanning and clinical research in stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy.

Integrated Advantages:

  • Combines EEG’s timing precision with fNIRS’s spatial accuracy.

  • Enables a comprehensive view of both when and where brain activity occurs.

  • Valuable for applications in brain-computer interfacing, hyperscanning, and clinical research (e.g., stroke, Parkinson’s, epilepsy).

Why Combine EEG with The Brite fNIRS System

Our EEG systems can be combined with fNIRS in multiple ways. For a wearable solution, APEX, or the SAGA EEG system can be combined with the Brite, Brite Lite, or PortaLite. This allows you to measure 24, 32, or 64 EEG channels and up to 54 fNIRS channels. Alternatively, measure up to 64 EEG channels and 112 fNIRS channels by combining the SAGA system and the OxyMon in a stationary set-up for full-head coverage. The use of both devices does not introduce any interference on either the EEG systems or the fNIRS system.

The standard way is to combine ring electrodes for EEG and optodes for fNIRS in one cap. Alternatively, we have developed a special electrode/optode holder that allows EEG and fNIRS to be recorded from the same location and to cover the full head with electrodes.

Besides the advantage of this special holder, this integration also offers the advantage that our SAGA and APEX are integrated into the recording software OxySoft. This makes sure all data is integrated and synchronized and enables you to conveniently measure EEG and NIRS with automatic event synchronization.

When Should You Choose Which Electrode Type?

The choice of electrode type depends on several factors, including desired signal quality, time constraints, availability of a trained technician, and mobility requirements. For optimal signal quality, gold standard gel electrodes are the best choice. However, if preparation and clean-up time are limited or no trained technician is available, dry or water electrodes are excellent alternatives. Water electrodes, in particular, are often preferred due to their comfort, stability, and reduced susceptibility to artifacts in most situations.

Learn more about our electrodes by reading our blog: Types of EEG Electrodes, or for assistance in selecting the right headcap for your research needs, contact our team of experts today!

EEG Products and Accessories

Artinis EEG/HD-EMG products are intended for research purposes only and are not designed, marketed, or authorized for use in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition.