Expanding Research Capabilities
External Hardware
Our products can be seamlessly integrated with external systems to expand research capabilities and enhance functionality. For example, they can be connected to E-Prime Chronos for ERP measurements, Cometa Wave X for IMU and bipolar data, Movella for inertial data, force sensor (load cell), isolation module, and advanced eye-tracking technologies.
These integrations empower researchers with the tools needed for precise data and comprehensive data collection, facilitating deeper insights and more complex scientific investigations.
Chronos E-Prime
Compatible with SAGA
Integration of Chronos E-Prime and SAGA
E-prime Chronos box, together with E-Prime software, is commonly used in EEG experiments requiring stimulus presentation during measurements.
By using the Chronos adapter for SAGA, you can connect SAGA to the E-Prime Chronos box, a USB-based response and stimulus device. This integration enables achieving millisecond-accurate stimulus presentation, which is usually essential for studying Event-Related Potentials (ERPs).
The E-Prime Chronos box connects to the PC via a USB cable and is recognized by E-prime software. Using a D-SUB 25 to D-SUB 26 cable and Chronos adapter, you can connect the E-Prime Chronos box to the TRIGGER input of your SAGA system. In the E-Prime Software, you can add the E-Prime Chronos box to your experiment and enjoy the possibility of assigning up to 16 bits of information for registering various events during EEG measurements. The registered events, or markers, can be found on the TRIGGERS channel of SAGA.
Cometa Systems — WaveX (bipolar EMG & IMU)
Combining HD-EMG and bipolar EMG with the integration of SAGA and Cometa's WaveX system
Compatible with SAGA and APEX
Our Cometa integration offers the possibility to use a TMSi-Brand system in combination with Cometa’s WaveX, offering a practical solution for combining High-Density EMG (or EEG) with bipolar EMG and IMUs. This integration is available as a plugin for the TMSi Python interface, incorporating the WaveX SDK seamlessly into its structure.
Highlights of this Integration include:
One platform (Python) to control acquisition from TMSi devices and the Cometa WaveX system for enhanced efficiency and user experience.
Synchronization possibilities without the need to attach cables between the two systems using LabStreamingLayer.
Extension of an EEG or HD-EMG measurement setup with IMUs and additional bipolar (up to 36) physiological signals, such as EMG or EOG.
An example that shows how to use the integration is part of the TMSi Python interface can be found on GitLab. Within this documentation, you’ll find comprehensive tutorials designed to guide users through the installation, utilization, and synchronization of the integration. The WaveX SDK files are available upon request from Cometa.
Read more about this integration here or click here to watch a video on the integration.
Eye Tracking
Compatible with SAGA and APEX
There are multiple advantages of combining eye tracking and EEG. In the research fields of cognitive neuroscience and psychology, this combination has the following uses:
Artifact removal: By combining eye-tracking and EEG data, eye movements like eye blinks and microsaccades can be corrected.
Tracking attention: Eye tracking reveals where a person is looking, providing a window into their attention. By combining this information with EEG, you can investigate the neural correlates of attention. Moreover, it gives the possibility to track reaction times.
Gaze contingent stimuli presentation: Visual stimuli in ERP research can be adjusted depending on the gaze of the participant. For example, you can ensure that a stimulus is only displayed when a participant is fixating on a designated location. This allows for a more precise investigation of how the brain processes specific information.
Fixation-related potentials: Eye tracking can be used in more ways in research with ERPs. Another example is the fixation-related potentials, where fixation onsets are used to determine epochs in the EEG data. These epochs can then be used for ERP detection.
SAGA and APEX can stream data via Lab-Streaming-Layer (LSL). Eye trackers such as the Tobii Pro also can stream data via LSL. Timestamps are added to individual streams from each device, allowing for time synchronization. Using a script in the Python interface, the data streams can be combined.
Previously, the SAGA system and Tobii Pro Nano were combined in research looking at Visual Attention in neurological disorders. Read more about this integration in our user highlight!
Compatible with SAGA
Example set-up of SAGA and Movella's MTw Awinda
In motion analysis or gesture recognition, (high-density) EMG can add useful information to motion capture systems. Movella offers a high-quality wearable solution to measure inertial data from subjects, providing data on joint angles—for instance—and how they change throughout an experiment. Its wearability makes it convenient for out-of-lab motion capture experiments.
Integrating SAGA into this setup enhances the richness of the captured data by adding HD-EMG capabilities. IMUs and HD-EMG have been successfully combined in various open-source datasets aiming to understand neural control in overground walking, including variants such as stair ascent/descent. This combination holds potential for applications in robotic control of prostheses.
SAGA can send sync-out signals, which can be used to trigger different hardware systems. The Movella MTw Awinda system allows for an external trigger to start its recordings, making it feasible to use SAGA as the main source to start the acquisition pipeline.
Based on SAGA’s sync-out signals, data can be time-synchronized in post-processing, based on the triggered start and end moments. To start using SAGA’s sync-out functionality, please review this page.
Force Sensor (Load Cell)
Compatible with SAGA
Force sensors are commonly used in High-Density EMG (HD-EMG) studies, specifically to control the generated force during isometric contractions. It is important that these studies are done in a controlled manner, where force sensors enable the gradual increase of produced force in a controlled fashion. As the force gradually increases, the number of motor units that contribute to this force production also gradually increases. An example of gradual force increase and its effects on motor unit activity can be seen in the figure below. Finally, the use of force feedback helps in replicating findings from other groups.
Many research groups have their own load cells or force sensors. Often, a BNC connector is used to terminate the cable, which can be interfaced to the ISO module. Using the combination of SAGA’s AUX channels, the ISO module, and the already available force sensor, forces can be measured in a straightforward manner. All data is acquired by one device, ensuring synchronicity throughout the recording! Examples of force sensors that can be terminated with a BNC connector are CCt or Interface Force load cells.
The solution can be used in any application where force needs to be generated in a consistent manner, such as in I-Spin.
Isolation Module
Compatible with SAGA
The TMSi isolation module provides patient-safe galvanic isolation between two external analog inputs and an AUX port on a SAGA system. This allows you to simultaneously measure up to two external analog sensors with your patient/participant data in an electrically safe manner.
The isolation module consists of a cable and a box with two BNC connectors. The additional, non-TMSi, sensor can be attached to the BNC connectors. Next, the SAGA AUX connector can be connected in SAGA, functioning like a regular sensor. It’s important to note that conversion of measurement units is not performed in this setup and must be implemented in custom software.
Products and Accessories
Artinis EEG/HD-EMG products are intended for research purposes only and are not designed, marketed, or authorized for use in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition.