Precise Timing Solutions for Research
Synchronization & Triggering
Discover our advanced synchronization and triggering solutions, designed for seamless integration with other devices. We offer options such as the Lab Streaming Layer (LSL), the SAGA Synchronization Module, the USB TTL Module, and our device’s Trigger Inputs & Sync Outputs, all aimed at ensuring precise timing and reliable event marking.
These versatile tools provide enhanced synchronization for a wide range of experimental setups, whether for neuroscience research, clinical applications, or complex multi-device configurations. Optimize your data collection with flexible, accurate synchronization for any research setup.
Sync Out
Compatible with SAGA
If you want to synchronize your SAGA with an external device, you can use the Sync Out port to send a pulse to the external device. This pulse can then be used to synchronize the two datasets in post-processing.
The SYNC OUT port is configured in ‘Event Marker’ mode by default. In this mode, each time you press the Marker button on the Data Recorder, SAGA sends a synchronization pulse, which is recorded in the STATUS channel of SAGA and simultaneously transmitted to the external device.
Alternatively, this port can be configured to the ‘Synchronization Out’ mode via application software, such as the SAGA User Application or TMSi’s Python interface. In the ‘Synchronization Out’ mode a SYNC OUT pulse is sent during your measurement from SAGA to the external device and also stored in the STATUS channel of SAGA. The clocked pulse will always remain exactly in phase with the measurement data, ensuring sample-accurate synchronization events.
To activate the SYNC OUT port, you will need to connect the synchronization out cable with a battery (or multiple batteries) and a resistor in between your SAGA and the external device.
An alternative way of synchronizing SAGA with external systems is via the Trigger Input. Using the Trigger Input, SAGA can receive triggers. Read more about this topic below.
Sync Out Port on SAGA
Trigger Input
Compatible with SAGA and APEX
Triggers can mark an event in the data stream generated from another independent data stream or can be used to synchronize an external device to your amplifier. The trigger provides the opportunity to analyze the measurement data concerning the event, such as in ERP measurements. Both TMSi’s SAGA and APEX have trigger inputs as will be explained below.
The trigger input of APEX can receive up to 4 bits of triggers during your EEG measurements. The trigger cable contains a printer port to send triggers via an external trigger device. Alternatively, it is also possible to integrate the TTL module to mark events via the USB port of your PC.
More information about APEX’s trigger possibilities can be found in this Knowledge Base article.
Please refer to the user manual and the following Knowledge Base articles for the allowed input voltages of SAGA and APEX. For more information on triggers and their usage, please refer to this whitepaper.
Your SAGA amplifier contains a DIGI input and a Trigger interface for marking events during measurements. The DIGI channel on the Data Recorder of the device can receive 1-bit triggers. The trigger interface on the Docking Station allows the acquisition of up to 16 digital input signals on the TRIGGER channel of SAGA.
Please note that it is only possible to send 16 bits if you have a trigger device with a printer port connection and a cable with this functionality. Our trigger cable allows for sending up to 8 bits. In case you do not have a trigger device with a printer port, it is possible to integrate the TTL module (read the section below) to send up to 8 bits via the USB port of your PC.
USB TTL Module
Compatible with SAGA and APEX
Traditionally, triggers were sent from the printer port of a PC to the Trigger input of an amplifier to mark specific events during measurements. However, nowadays, computers no longer have a printer port. The integration of the BBTK USB TTL module provides a solution to this issue. By utilizing the USB TTL module, you can still send triggers from your PC, enabling you to seamlessly integrate trigger functionality into your measurement setup, such as during your ERP measurements. Learn more about triggers and how to use them in the following whitepaper.
Integrating the USB TTL module is straightforward. Simply connect it to the PC using its USB cable on one side and attach the trigger cable to the amplifier on the other side.
Once installed, the USB TTL module allows you to send up to 4 or 8-bit triggers, depending on your amplifier, and mark events by turning specific bits on and off using the configuration utility. Another solution for sending triggers is by implementing the module into programming environments such as MATLAB, Python, Psychopy, and Chronos E-Prime for easy integration.
USB TTL Module
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
Compatible with SAGA and APEX
LabStreamingLayer (LSL) is a software platform that makes the collection of multiple data streams more straightforward. It does so by adding timestamps to the data streams from each incoming device, so that each data point of both devices can be matched in time and subsequently synchronized. In this setup, no physical connections are needed between the two measurement devices, which makes the setup convenient.
LSL is supported by various vendors, allowing seamless integration of your TMSi device with systems such as Qualisys (optical motion tracking), Tobii (eye tracking), or Artinis (fNIRS) systems! Additionally, the integration of the Cometa WaveX system in the TMSi Python interface also uses LSL for inter-system synchronization.
To begin using LSL, you must first install the TMSi Python interface. For both SAGA and APEX, we have set up individual examples that make it possible to stream data from the TMSi device to the LSL network. Furthermore, an example is available for aligning the data streams collected with LSL to obtain synchronized data. The TMSi Python interface comes with installers to simplify the preparation process, reducing setup time.
Please read this article if you’re interested in synchronizing two SAGA systems.
SAGA Synchronization Module
Compatible with SAGA
In certain studies, 64 channels may not be sufficient, such as in: multi-muscle HD-EMG experiments, source localization EEG studies, and multi-subject experiments.
For these types of experiments, we have two solutions with which two SAGAs can be synchronized. In experiments where a single common source is studied (the EEG example), the synchronization between two systems should be as accurate as possible to be able to draw meaningful conclusions. In the other scenarios, accurate synchronization is still important but may be slightly less strict due to multiple signal sources for the signals, although this depends on the experimental conditions.
TMSi offers a cable-free synchronization possibility using LSL, which is suitable for complex recordings, such as measuring on multiple muscles. The use of LSL as synchronization is especially useful when freedom of movement is crucial to the experimental conditions.
In setups involving two 64-channel EEG headcaps or HD-EMG grids on one muscle, precise synchronization between two SAGAs is required. In such cases, the SAGA synchronization module can be used to create a multichannel recording of up to 128 channels with sub-sample synchronization accuracy. In this setup, the reference must be shared between the two SAGAs, requiring the use of a common reference electrode with two connectors. The PGND electrode can be connected similarly.
A more detailed explanation of how to use the SAGA Synchronization module can be found here.
Products and Accessories
Artinis EEG/HD-EMG products are intended for research purposes only and are not designed, marketed, or authorized for use in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition.