

The TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB is a library enabling seamless integration of the SAGA Device Driver with MATLAB, allowing data measurement, analysis, and customization. It includes examples for basic functionalities, visualization options for sample and impedance data, and a heatmap for EEG and HD-EMG signals.

Highlights of TMSi Interface for MATLAB

The TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB provides a powerful solution for integrating the SAGA Device Driver with MATLAB, enabling efficient data measurement and analysis. Here are its key features and benefits:

  • The TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB connects the SAGA Device Driver to MATLAB for data measurement, analysis, and customization.

  • Provides examples for basic functionalities, such as sampling, device configuration, EMG/EEG measurements, and data reading.

  • Includes visualization tools for sample data, impedance data, and HD-EMG heatmaps.

  • Enables minimal delay in data acquisition, ensuring high customizability for specific setups.

  • The I-Spin toolbox uses the interface for live Motor Unit decomposition and device control.

  • Offers an easy way to embed SAGA functionality into MATLAB-based measurement workflows.

  • Supports a wide range of use cases, including EEG/EMG studies and signal visualization.

  • Designed to simplify the integration of SAGA hardware into MATLAB environments.

  • Suitable for researchers and developers needing a flexible, powerful tool for biometric data analysis.

The TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB Interface is a library written by us to interface the SAGA Device Driver to MATLAB. This interface allows you to measure and analyze your data on the widely-used MATLAB programming platform. The Interface for MATLAB offers a convenient way to embed SAGA into your measurement setup that has been written in MATLAB. It comes with many examples that show the basic functionalities of SAGA and how to tailor them to your needs. Furthermore, there are visualization options for sample data, impedance data and there is a heatmap when used in combination with HD-EMG signals. Finally, data is acquired with minimal delays, allowing for high customizability to meet your specific needs.

One notable application of the TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB is I-Spin, a toolbox that allows for live Motor Unit decomposition and that directly applies the SAGA Interface for MATLAB to control the device.

To start using the TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB, you will need a Windows 10/11 (64-bit) PC, together with the SAGA Device Driver and MATLAB release 9 or higher. Most functionalities do not require any additional MATLAB libraries, although in some cases it is highly recommended to have the signal processing toolbox installed. Usually, it is best practice to look at the different examples, that show the following: how to sample over SAGA’s different interfaces, how to change the device configuration, how to do typical EMG/EEG measurements and how to read data, also in for instance EEGLAB.

You can download the TMSi SAGA Interface for MATLAB here or continue reading on MathWorks page on this integration.

EEG and HD-EMG Analysis Integrations (MATLAB)


EEGLAB is an open-source, interactive MATLAB toolbox designed for processing and visualizing EEG data. It can be accessed either through an interactive GUI or by utilizing the structured programming environment directly.

I-Spin SAGA Live

I-Spin SAGA Live is a MATLAB application for the acquisition and analysis of High-Density EMG (HD-EMG) signals. It can detect the discharge activity of individual motor units in real time. Additionally, it can apply the learned motor unit filter in real-time. This makes it possible to provide subjects with visual feedback on the Motor Unit activity during experiments.


MUedit is an open-source MATLAB toolbox that enables you to decompose High-Density EMG (HD-EMG) signals into Motor Unit spike trains. The accompanying paper can be found here and is the first open-source implementation of Negro et al.’s frequently-used algorithm.
