Device Configuration and Data Acquisition Software

SAGA User Application

The SAGA User Application is our free software for HD-EMG and EEG measurements. Configure your device, measure impedances, view real-time data, and more! It is straightforward and accessible for users of all experience levels. It also provides possibilities for post-processing and analysis in MATLAB, Python, or other External Software Integrations.

Easy to Configure Your Device and Perform Your Recordings

Simplified Impedance Measurement and Mapping

Real-Time Data Preview and Adjustable Signal Viewer

Heatmap, Differential, and Frequency Band Viewers

For a detailed overview of its key features and capabilities, be sure to read more about the highlights below.

Highlights of the SAGA User Application

Quickly get started with the SAGA User Application's user-friendly workflows for HD-EMG and EEG measurements. Features include:

  • A straightforward design intuitive for users of any experience level

  • Built-in configurations for Textile HD-EMG grids, cEEGrids, and headcap layouts

  • Measurement of impedances with convenient mapping of values to your accessory

  • Real-time data recording and viewing

  • Export your recorded data to EEGLab (MATLAB) or MNE (Python) for analysis

  • Built-in help for additional assistance, if necessary

Easy to Configure Your Device and Perform Your Recordings

The SAGA User Application offers a user-friendly experience for configuring your device and conducting recordings. Simply choose your accessory, set the sample rate and reference method, and start your experiment. For more advanced configurations, explore the extended settings page to customize all aspects of your device settings.

Real-Time Data Preview and Adjustable Signal Viewer

View live data while recording, and tailor the viewer to your preferences by adjusting filters, amplitude ranges, zooming, and selecting specific channels for visualization. It is possible to easily select a row of an HD-EMG grid or an EEG area in the headcap configuration. Manually showing and hiding channels is also possible.

Simplified Impedance Measurement and Mapping

Effortlessly measure impedances and map the values to your accessory, ensuring a hassle-free setup for optimal performance. Impedance values are color-coded in the grid for an easy overview and impedance values are shown in a table.

Additional HD-EMG Features

  • Visualizes activity across the grid using a heatmap.

  • Displays the differential signal between neighboring electrodes, with options to calculate differences across rows or columns.

  • Shows the envelope of activity for each electrode.

Additional EEG Features

  • Provides various montages based on literature, includig the longitudinal montage, transverse montage, ear reference montage, and Cz reference montage.

  • Displays the power of each electrode across different EEG frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma) on the head)

Export your recorded data to EEGLab (MATLAB) or MNE (Python)

Postprocessing in Python

Postprocessing in Python can be started with both .Poly5 and .xdf files. Both file formats can be transformed into an MNE-Python object. The example scripts in the 'examples_reading_data' folder can be used respectively. Furthermore, in V4 of the TMSi Python Interface, the functionality to transform .Poly5 files to .edf file format is added.

Postprocessing in MATLAB

Postprocessing in MATLAB is possible with .Poly5 files. It is possible to convert this file format into an EEGLab compatible file, by using the example script 'Poly5toEEGlab.m'.

EEG and HD-EMG Analysis Integrations


MNE is an open-source Python library that can be used for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing EEG data, as well as other types of physiological data. MNE offers a range of visualization options, including topographic plots, power spectral densities, and visualizations of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs).


EEGLAB is an open-source, interactive MATLAB toolbox designed for processing and visualizing EEG data. It can be accessed either through an interactive GUI or by utilizing the structured programming environment directly.


BESA is a widely-used EEG/MEG analysis software tool, which comes with a variety of data review tools, source analysis pipelines, and other types of EEG processing algorithms. BESA is considered an easy-to-use software, making data analysis more straightforward.


Neurocenter is a clinically-used software with many options for EEG data acquisition, review and analysis. It is known for being an all-in-one solution for handling EEGs, and is easy to use. Additionally, Neurocenter has the option to store recordings on the cloud for easy collaboration and the various options for analysis pipelines. Examples include brain symmetry index scoring, alpha/delta ratio determination, spectral analysis, and more!


Openhdemg is an open-source Python toolbox for the analysis of decomposed High-Density EMG data, developed by Valli et al. The library is well-documented and can be used either directly using scripting or using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Openhdemg has a variety of analysis options, including a visualization of the Motor Unit filter, Motor Unit tracking and more.

I-Spin SAGA Live

I-Spin SAGA Live is a MATLAB application for the acquisition and analysis of High-Density EMG (HD-EMG) signals. It can detect the discharge activity of individual motor units in real time. Additionally, it can apply the learned motor unit filter in real-time. This makes it possible to provide subjects with visual feedback on the Motor Unit activity during experiments.


MUedit is an open-source MATLAB toolbox that enables you to decompose High-Density EMG (HD-EMG) signals into Motor Unit spike trains. The accompanying paper can be found here and is the first open-source implementation of Negro et al.’s frequently-used algorithm.

The SAGA User Application can be downloaded here and is free of charge. If you would like to know more about the SAGA User Application, contact us at
