
TMSi Python Library

We offer our TMSi Python library that interfaces with our amplifiers. It is Open Source, allows you to build your applications, and integrates with many processing, visualization, and workflow libraries available like MNE for EEG processing and lab streaming layer (LSL) for acquisition and synchronization. Example EEG and EMG workflows show data acquisition, impedance plots, and signal visualization.

Highlights of our Python Library

Our open-source (free) Python interface allows freedom in the design of your experiments and comes with many handy examples and documentation to make customization easy:

  • Complete workflows for standard EEG and EMG recordings 

  • Synchronize multiple devices with LSL 

  • Comes with many integrations, including PsycoPy-based Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) recording and analysis option 

  • Access to real-time data streams

  • Real-time data plotters for sample data and impedance data

  • Example scripts for easy post-processing and viewing of your data

  • Loading TMSi Polybench native .Poly5-files into Python programming environment

  • Save data to the XDF file format

  • Convenient method to save/load custom device configurations due to the use of an XML-structured configuration format

The TMSi Python interface offers a direct interface between SAGA and APEX and the powerful Python programming language. With the Python interface, you gain access to all functions of the TMSi-Brand device, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into custom measurement setups.

It becomes easier to use other open-source Python libraries in a measurement setup. Our interface also offers functionality with which recorded files can be loaded and subsequently processed. Many examples are available that show basic processing steps to get you started on developing your own experimental setup.

To get started with the TMSi Python interface, please review the built-in documentation, as well as the tutorials and examples. The examples show device-specific calls, processing libraries (e.g., MNE) and plugins/integrations (USB TTL, PsychoPy, Cometa, LSL).

EEG and HD-EMG Analysis Integrations (Python)


MNE is an open-source Python library that can be used for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing EEG data, as well as other types of physiological data. MNE offers a range of visualization options, including topographic plots, power spectral densities, and visualizations of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs).


Openhdemg is an open-source Python toolbox for the analysis of decomposed High-Density EMG data, developed by Valli et al. The library is well-documented and can be used either directly using scripting or using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Openhdemg has a variety of analysis options, including a visualization of the Motor Unit filter, Motor Unit tracking and more.


BESA is a widely-used EEG/MEG analysis software tool, which comes with a variety of data review tools, source analysis pipelines, and other types of EEG processing algorithms. BESA is considered an easy-to-use software, making data analysis more straightforward.

Learn more about our Python Interface in this video
