Coming Soon!


HD-EMG research is advancing, and so are we. Meet SPIRE, our compact, wearable, and wireless HD-EMG device. Whether you are monitoring a single muscle during isometric exercises or measuring multiple muscle groups in dynamic movements, SPIRE delivers precision and reliability for any experimental setup.


SPIRE is our wearable and wireless high-quality HD-EMG amplifier. While compact, each device can record up to 64 channels and can be synced with multiple devices. SPIRE can be used in biomechanics, rehabilitation, sports science, robotics, prosthetics, ergonomics, and neurology.

  • Lightweight, wireless system for enhanced mobility and ease of use in various experimental settings.

  • Use multiple devices simultaneously, making it easier to understand how different muscles work together.

  • Customize your experimental setup with options for grid sizes and topologies, synchronization with external hardware, and the number of recorders to match your unique experimental needs.

  • Robust technology is resistant to mains interference, movement artifacts, and signal clippings for precise and reliable data.


SPIRE supports advanced high-density EMG research in the fields of biomechanics, rehabilitation, sports science, robotics, prosthetics, ergonomics, and neurology. Examples of what you can do with SPIRE:

  • Muscle Fiber Properties
    Investigate the characteristics and behavior of muscle fibers to gain insights into muscle physiology.

  • Spatial Muscle Mapping
    Conduct detailed spatial mapping of muscle activity for comprehensive analysis of muscle behavior, synergy, and function.

  • Rehabilitation
    Objectively measure muscle recovery and progress after injury or disease.

  • Motor Unit Decomposition
    Record and evaluate individual motor units to explore neuromuscular function.

  • Human-Computer Interaction
    Control prosthetic or robotic devices through muscle signals.

  • Sports Science
    Evaluate muscle activation and fatigue to optimize training and performance.

The Story Behind SPIRE


In Dutch, the word "spier" means muscle — the very focus of this device.

Inspired by this, we named our muscle-dedicated system SPIRE, reflecting its purpose to capture high-quality HD-EMG data, enabling deeper insights into human physiology and supporting the advancement of scientific research.

Pair with HD-EMG Accessories

Our Textile HD-EMG Grids are made from stretchable, adhesive fabric that stays securely in place even on challenging areas of the skin, ensuring reliable measurements during dynamic movements or stationary isometric contractions.

Stay Updated about SPIRE

More information about SPIRE will be released soon. Sign up below to be the first to learn more about this technology!

Products and Accessories

Artinis EEG/HD-EMG products are intended for research purposes only and are not designed, marketed, or authorized for use in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition.